R.I.C. Report from Local Inspector


At present interned for complicity in the rebellion. I beg to report that in my opinion the above named could with safety be released only on his entering with or without surities into a surety bond to perform the undertaking stated on attached communications. His own bond for £100 (marked A) I should say would be necessary and sufficient. His financial circumstances are sound and the fear of financial loss, consequent on not performing the conditions of his undertaking would alone cause him to well comply with them. Not much reliance could be placed on his honorably observing any mere verbal undertaking. The fact that he obtained his release by giving such security would in a small way lower him in the esteem of a few hotheads but the great majority of the Sinn Feinners would not in the least mind, especially when there was no other way of procuring his release. — P Shore Insp.

Submitted. Please see my opinion as expressed on return furnished 6th inst. and to which I still rather incline. However if this man & Joseph McBride who are the two arch leaders around Westport will themselves enter into a bond with surities I feel reluctant not to accept such and think they might be given the opportunity if they can give security – it will be a victory for the forces of law and order; Re A. sureities should be required in additon. – The Insps General, Dr. Speadman CI.

Town special report of 15th inst is attached. Please give a definite opinion in reply to

Govn minute of 17th inst. Each case stands on its own merits. The report on J McBride has been submitted to Govn. — W. O’Connell, D.I.G